Maximizing outcomes through Selective Microbial Metabolism Regulation Technology (SMMRT)™ – patented small molecules (prebiotics, postbiotics and antimicrobials) – powerful bioactive molecules made by microbes to selectively target other microbes.
Whether it is an antimicrobial-resistant biofilm, a dysbiotic microbiome, or a sluggish biofermentation reactor, SMMRT technology can be used to block growth of unwanted microbes, change the microbial metabolome or improve fermentation yields.
SMMRT™ Platform
Since 2008, SMMRT has become a novel way to inhibit, activate, or modulate microbes through their metabolism. Unlike traditional antiseptic or antibiotic approaches which garner resistance and have toxicity associated with them, SMMRT has clinically demonstrated longevity in daily use against AMR and microbiome modulation.

Validated SMMRT Solutions
Sugar Fermentation --->
Iron-Sulfur Redox ----->
Protein Metabolism --->
Tune up/down fermentation; Fermentation blockade; Improved protein production; Microbiome
Disinfection; Environmental bioremediation; Mirobiome
Microbiome; Improved protein production

Our Approach
We develop novel solutions to combat diet-driven, dysbiotic microbial-dependent processes that affect gut, skin, oral, etc. health. This new approach focuses on using metabolic influencers to re-engineer disease-causing bacterial biofilms and microbiomes into those that are health-promoting. It uses clinically-validated small molecules to selectively affect microbes in a biofilm. SMMRT molecules are specifically designed to: (i) selectively favor the growth of beneficial microbes in the environment, and (ii) to halt pathogen growth and activity.
The SMMRT platform has provided a pipeline for various applications in multiple industries as a safer and more effective alternative to antibiotics and antiseptics.
Our Studies
Research and development on SMMRT began in 2008.